After rejecting so many other possible molding combinations, we are very happy with how this turned out.
[This is part of Our Kitchen Molding Makeover series.]
We’ve finished installing our homemade, mdf wainscoting on the kitchen brick wall. Our molding choices were based on Andre Palladio’s interpretation of the Doric architectural order.
You won’t believe how inexpensive it was to make the wainscoting and pilasters. We bought all the moldings and mdf from Lowes.
We’re not sure what the final paint combination will be on the moldings and wall, but we’ve been drooling over rooms designed by Robert Adam, and so will find our final inspiration somewhere in his work.
If you’re in mood for some serious molding eye-candy, then do a Google image search for “Robert Adam rooms,” and then come back and comment with your thoughts on his style.
Below are some before and after pictures taken from different angles.
Our decorating goal was to find a way to separate our vague dining/kitchen area from the hallway on the right, and do it in a way that looked balanced. The pilasters and pedestals configured this way did the job perfectly.
The picture rail is anchored into the brick wall so well that I’m confident we could safely hang a water buffalo from it. Instead, this weekend Jennifer bought some beautiful nineteenth-century, hand-painted, French plates that may find their way onto the wall.
Below The simple bed molding (the primed molding below the rail cap) should be available any place that sells moldings. Except in Tucson, where none could be found. I had to modify an ogee crown molding from Lowes to get this profile.
Take a close look at that baseboard cap. Did I install a cabinet crown molding upside down as a baseboard cap? Yes I did! This is one of the few instances you can use this molding profile oriented this way. Do not, however, install your ogee crown molding this way on your ceiling.
This weekend Jennifer and I will invade Tucson paint stores, and try out a bunch of samples for the trim and walls. I’ll also be working on the step by step installation sequences for the wainscoting, pilasters and baseboard this week, so if you’re interested in seeing how we put it all together, complete with material prices, then subscribe to us via email.
This molding treatment is fabulous! We love your website and have been replacing door trim based on your instructions. Our house has interior brick walls. We can’t wait to see your instructions, so we can finally trim out our walls.
We’re so glad you like our wainscoting design (and our blog), Sue! Are all of your interior walls brick? What kind of molding style are you installing: traditional, Victorian or Craftsman?