[This post is part of my How to Install Moldings series.]
When the moldings you want to install run into an obstacle of some sort, it’s perfectly OK to create what I call a molding dissolve.
You’ll use dissolves on door trim moldings more than any place else, because doors are so often crammed into a corner. But you can use them on any kind of molding like wainscoting, crown moldings or wall frames. Below are a few examples.

Treat the crown molding as if it passes through the brick fireplace. Another option would have been to wrap the crown around the brick.
There are historic precedents for creating molding dissolves in buildings throughout the world. The first time I saw one was while watching a show on Scottish castles. A molding dissolve appeared on a door surround as the camera panned through the room. The image at the top of this post is an almost exact replica of what I saw on that show.
[This post is part of my How to Install Moldinsg series.]
This site is fantastic. I searched for a while trying to find disolve methods for two entryways I’m trimming. I really appreciate you sharing your work and techniques
Hi Ed,
Glad you like our site, we’re a bit find of it as well. Let us know how your dissolves turn out.