Hi Ken,
First I want to tell you how much I love your site. I have studied every page.
Earlier this year we moved into a house that was built 18 years ago. Other than window/door casing and baseboard there were no other moldings. This was as a clean slate for the “joy of molding” to put character in our home.
I have attached pictures showing progress in the dining room which was the first project. This room is a 12 X 12 box with 9 ft vertical walls and a two sided vault sloping up to 12 ft. The first picture shows the room as furnished by the previous owner. Wall paper had to go. We installed your three-piece crown molding at 9 ft all around. We incorporated a valance over the window. Sorry for the dark pictures.
Chair rail and wall frames came next. When I can, the entrance from the foyer will get columns. There is never an end to opportunities.
Thanks again,
-Howard Griffith

Howard’s DIY valance window box integrated with the flying crown molding.
I’m a big fan of window valance boxes, and Howard cleverly figured out a way to transition his right into his flying crown molding.
I love the sheers coming out from under the valance box.

A chair rail like this one is just the thing to help give Howard’s dining room the detail it deserves.
Hi Howard,
As they say in the interior design world, your dinging room has “good bones.” And you’ve made the best use of those bones with the molding patterns you selected to install.
So far you’ve done an excellent job, and I look forward to posting more of your beautiful work!