This post shows you how I prepare this compo scroll and acanthus leaf applique for installation on this bare wood panel.
Why This is An Unusual Applique Installation
I’ve been dragging around this box of leftover appliques for nearly ten years, so I’m sure the glue that’s in the compo material is no longer active.
If they were fresh appliques however, then holding them over steam bath will release the glue in the compo, so all you have to do is lay them on the bare wood (or any porous material) and let the glue set. You can even tack them in place with a few micro pins.
You normally don’t prime them before installation — I primed these years ago to show the detail better in photos. The compo material they are made from is normally dark brown.
The compo dries out over time, and that can make the appliques warp a bit, and in this case, a lot. But when I hold them over the steam bath they will soften right up and then I can lay them flat on the center panel.
That’s my plan anyway.

Even new appliques may arrive a bit warped, so giving them a good steam bath can help flatten them out.
Broken Compo Appliques
It’s common for the more delicate compo appliques to arrive broken. Even if they arrive whole, they can be easy to break while handling them.
Don’t worry, fixing them is very easy.
I glued this broken frond to the center panel where it belongs. I’ll fill and shape the small gap with either spackling or wood filler when I prep the whole thing for paint.
Prepping the Panel
Here I’m testing the applique location and the fit of the panel molding (PM-008) below the center panel flat-stock.
I don’t like that small gap between PM-008 and the center panel, so I’ll bevel that edge on my table saw so it fits nice and flush.
Now the center panel fits snug against PM-008.
An option would have been to wrap PM-008 up and over the center panel, but this time I’m running it below because I want the appliques to be that much more prominent.
Find the center of the panel and then scribe it with a pencil. Also mark the horizontal where the bed molding will be.
To Be Continued…
In the next post I’ll show you how I gave the appliques a steam bath to soften and then apply them to the center panel.
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Architectural Ornaments (The category showing a growing list of the appliques I use on my molding patterns.)
Your collection of appliques seems much more 3-dimensional than the flatter stuff you might find at home depot or lowes. Where would be a good source? Every time I imagine myself with a headboard, hammer and box of wood-chisels, I cringe at the amount of time it must take to produce a really great piece (not that I have that talent!)
Al, I’m of the mind that if you can’t install the high-resolution appliques like these, then it’s better not to install any.
The appliques in my little box were all bought from Decorators Supply. Here’s a very short post I wrote about them and there’s a link to their site on the right under the heading “Products and Services Directory.”