painted door trim for french double doorsThe contractor who installed these double French doors leading to the patio did an awful job installing the simple door trim around it.

The fit and finish of the trim was the worst I’d ever seen in my life.  So I had to do something about it.

These doors lead to the lush, flowery shaded patio, and deserved far better moldings to mark the transition.

The resulting door surround is DOOR TRIM-133.

It was such an easy style to install that I didn’t bother taking installation pictures of it.

In the near future I’ll have to build another one so I can show those of you who are new to decorating with moldings all the steps.

Those of you more experienced will look at this and go, pssth, piece-of-cake.

patio french double door trim

Below  The gap in that miter joint is big enough to throw a cat through it.  This blog does not in any way endorse the practice of cat-throwing, however poking them to make them yap in indignation is encouraged.

before and after door trim pictures

Beautiful double French doors deserve better moldings that this starter trim.

patio french door trim molding made from mdf

A simple yet grand Victorian entablature.

Below  At what point in your growth as a craftsman —  let alone a businessman — does the below carnage become acceptable?

This should serve as a warning to those of you who are going to hire a finish carpenter to install your moldings — not all finish carpenters have the standards of finish.

victorian style door trim plinth block

There, that should do it. All the painters need to do now is add a case of caulk and it will look perfect!

plinth block victorian style on double french door to patio

A simple Victorian Style plinth block available at your local lumber yard.

Step by Step DIY

how to make simple mdf door trim moldings surroundThere’s a whole set of diy installation instructions at DOOR TRIM-133 if you need some tips on how to build this door trim pattern at home.

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